Tonima Tasnim Ananna

Tonima Tasnim Ananna

Tonima Tasnim Ananna

I am an Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Wayne State University, Michigan. Prior to my appointment at Wayne State, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Professor Ryan Hickox’s group at Dartmouth College. I completed my Ph.D. at the Department of Physics, Yale University, under the supervision of Professor Meg Urry. I am interested in how supermassive black holes are triggered into activity, how the structure of the tori around them changes, how they affect their host galaxies, and when they gained most of their mass. My most recent project involves constraining the accretion rate distributions of AGNs in different environments (i.e., different levels of obscuration) using data from the the Swift-BAT 70-month survey.

X-Ray View of Little Red Dots: Do They Host Supermassive Black Holes?

The discovery of Little Red Dots (LRDs)—a population of compact, high-redshift, dust-reddened galaxies—is one of the most surprising results from JWST. However, the nature of LRDs is still debated: does the near-infrared emission originate from accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs), or intense star formation? In this work, we utilize ultra-deep Chandra observations and study LRDs residing behind the lensing galaxy cluster, A2744. We probe the X-ray emission from individual galaxies but find that they remain undetected and provide SMBH mass upper limits of ≲(1.5–16) × 106 M ⊙ assuming Eddington limited accretion. To increase the signal-to-noise ratios, we conduct a stacking analysis of the full sample with a total lensed exposure time of ≈87 Ms. We also bin the galaxies based on their stellar mass, lensing magnification, and detected broad-line Hα emission. For the LRDs exhibiting broad-line Hα emission, there is a hint of a stacked signal (∼2.6σ), corresponding to an SMBH mass of ∼3.2 × 106 M ⊙. Assuming unobscured, Eddington-limited accretion, this black hole (BH) mass is at least 1.5 orders of magnitude lower than that inferred from virial mass estimates using JWST spectra. Given galaxy-dominated stellar mass estimates, our results imply that LRDs do not host overmassive SMBHs and/or accrete at a few percent of their Eddington limit. However, alternative stellar mass estimates may still support that LRDs host overmassive BHs. The significant discrepancy between the JWST and Chandra data hints that the scaling relations used to infer the SMBH mass from the Hα line and virial relations may not be applicable for high-redshift LRDs.